Feeling great about joining NAVA–the National Association of Voice Actors– the professionals I have met through this terrific organization and the vast array of professional opportunities offered through this group. Then I was able to meet and introduce myself to the President of NAVA, Tim Friedlander after hearing his very inspirational key note speech at MAVO.
Had such amazing experiences attending two Voice Over conferences–my first eVocation was an online experience with the cutest swag bag sent to me, and some very good speakers. The second was flying to Washington, DC to attend MAVO (Mid-Atlantic Voice Over) in person! What a difference it has made to meet, greet and have real conversations with such a diverse group of talent. Had some fantastic sessions with Casting Directors, Agents and Voice talents and learned so much. Also had such a fun evening of performing in a live on-stage, radio drama with a great director, Holly Adams! It has made such a difference when now attending Zoom meetings to have met so many voice actors in person.